
With Non-Chemical Ferrite Technology

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Calcium and magnesium deposits in daily life cause problems such as pressure drop and low flow rate, water temperature drops, inefficiencies of heating packages and domestic water heaters, hard water problems in washing machines and dishwashers, blockage of valves and plumbing, creating stains on dishes and water sinks, side-by-side filter blockage, and … HydroFlow descaler with an IP33 and life time of 35 years, can withstand all the problems of limescale, and can be fitted to any size of pipe from 3/8 to 2 inches.

 : 1287
The most powerful and effective residential descaler for small steam boilers, sauna steam generators, plate heat exchangers and commercial dishwasher and laundries for pipe size up to 1”.

 : 1243
Best alternative for UV and ozone disinfection systems in pool and spa, eliminates chlorine odor, increase water clarity, save water and energy by reducing backwash and kills pathogens bacteria up to 2” pipe

 : 1273
Most applicable descaler for small mechanical room and hot water boilers or combi boilers designed for metal or plastic pipe up to 2” OD and super easy installation

 : 1304
Bestselling product for residential application for combi-boilers, water heaters, hot water tank, plate heat exchanger and solar water heaters, it could be fitted on any pipe material,